Use Neuroscience based pedagogical techniques coupled with Deep Learning & AI to improve your recollection. The concept of building Long-term memory is now a step away, and we enable the fact, “Neurons that fire together, are bound together”.
Using Deep Learning techniques and Artificial Intelligence, the company has evaluated millions of answer sheets of students worldwide to understand as to WHY the students are making the mistakes that they are making today. Statistics show that 72% of the mistakes done by students in exams are common year over year. Using a unique Deep Learning repository, the pedagogy is morphed to help the students eliminate mistakes made in examinations. Students also gain the ability to recollect the answers in a non-confusing and accurate way. Using AI & DL techniques, FusionDecks™ measure Indexes like Recall Index, Inference Index, Overload Index, Fusion Index, Average Response Time, Linking Index, Directive Index, etc..
NeurOne™ Fusion Methodology is the only “Recollection Centric” classroom pedagogy for All Subjects and International Languages. Many institutions have benefited from this pedagogy. Most of the teachers who have undergone NeurOne™ Training acclaimed it as the best training program they have attended in their careers. Students use NeurOne™ methodology to improve their skills and scores dramatically. Teachers, using NeurOne™ methods, have learnt to teach the children in a way that the students do not just comprehend, but also can quickly RECOLLECT what they have learnt.
FusionDecks™ have intelligent flash cards that have thousands of lines of computer code inside, helping students fuse the neurons that have the linked information. Once a student uses these cards on handy display devices (Computer, Smart Board, Smart Phone, Tablet etc), they gain the ability to recollect the information even after decades with ease and with great accuracy. FusionDecks™ keep building the AI & DL repository of every student.
Using Neuroscience, Deep Learning techniques and Artificial Intelligence, the company ...
Using Neuroscience, Deep Learning techniques and Artificial Intelligence, the company ...
Use Our Initiatives to Retian Knowledge
We also develop customized content using our pedagogical techniques for Add-on specializations,...
We train teachers in NeurOne teaching pedagogy. We also train students in recollection techniques...
Our Neuroscience scientists and Deep Learning R&D specialists device techniques based on learners...
We learn using Visual imprints, Neural pathing and Visual pathing that are made by new neural connections....
Neuroscience has figured out why students make mistakes during their exams. Not just WHAT, but WHY. This knowledge is very powerful to both teachers and students. This knowledge is used to develop Recollection based Pedagogical Techniques so that students will not forget concepts for decades and make less mistakes in their exams